As I may have mentioned before, I am taking classes this summer. There are two of them and they are both pretty difficult.
First, there is Chemistry. I am sort of retaking this class, so it is a bit easier than it would otherwise be, but the work is accelerated to fit into a summer term. So that cancels out the easy.
I did, however, rock the first test. I got a 90% on the multiple choice portion and am waiting to hear about the written part, but I have high hopes.
My second class, feels like a different story. It is Calculus. I took calculus in high school, five years ago. This means it is all forgotten (not that I learned very well the first time). So it is a lot of hard work and it is accelerated. It makes my head
explode and it makes steam come out of my ears. I feel like I understand a lot of it, then I try and work out a problem and I get it wrong. My first test is tomorrow (yikes!).
BUT, regardless of if I am understanding anything of what I am learning this summer, I should not have to turn in assignments on the day that I am celebrating my country's independence. I should be able to go out and party with no cares in the world. I shouldn't have to be jealous of the laughter that I am hearing outside, while I slave away at a computer trying to figure out why my answer is not acceptable. ALSO, I shouldn't have assignments that are normally due on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, be due on a TUESDAY, unless specifically told by the teacher that it would be so. ALSO, how in the world did everyone else in the class know it would be due?
Never take classes during the summer if you have plans to actually do anything else.
You will die.