Hello, People Who Read My Blog!
Sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything. I just haven't had many words. And a lot of the words I did have weren't fit for public eyes.
Anyways, I'm back.
So I've been thinking a lot about the future. It's kind of scary. You don't know what's coming, but you make plans and hope that they work out, while part of you hopes for some kind of surprise to mix things up and disrupt the plan. Or maybe that's just how I see it.
So far I don't have much of a plan. The plan I do have consists of waiting to see if some opportunities work out and then graduating in a year, unless I decide to push through the summer and graduate in December. How crazy would that be if I graduated in December? Part of me wants to do that, but part of me thinks that I should go the extra semester and try and fit in some classes that will give me actual marketable skills.
What a horrible phrase "marketable skills." Ugh. I hate it. But I really wish I had some of those kinds of skills. Skills like... Crap, I don't even know what they are. But they seem to be the kind that matter. Instead of skills like being able to guess who the bad guy is in the crime drama I'm watching on tv, or being able to kick a soccer ball fairly well with my left foot even though I'm better with my right, or being able to focus intently on the details of all of the six and a half new seasons of Doctor Who that I watched in a week, or being able to sleep through the ringing of many alarm clocks, the number of which would shock and appall you. Too bad those aren't the skills that important human resource type people are looking for. Because if they were, I would be set and the future might not be so scary.